
Travel Sketch Journal 2/23

Travel Sketch Journal 2/21

Travel Sketch Journal 2/20

Travel Sketch Journal 2/19

Travel Sketch Journal 2/18

Travel Sketch Journal 2/17

Golden Days in Teotitlan Del Valle

Adventure Begins

“There’s Always Life Underground”: Homage to the underground that raised me

Don’t Give a Toddler a Five Star Meal (or how to Handle Difficult People)
Make an Herbal Simple Syrup

My Famous Herbal Espresso Tonic

Ecologies of the Spirit
Healing the spirit is elemental and involves aligning with the rhythm and spirit of life, of nature, and of contacting the essential wild nature inside of yourself.

pleasure is a practice
Pleasure is a muscle inherent within us that we can strengthen as we get comfortable with relaxing, easing, letting go.